Issue - meetings
FUL/000506/23 - Full application - for B1 (b) (c), B2 and B8 employment space, with ancillary B1a office use; associated servicing and infrastructure including parking; vehicle and pedestrian circulations; creation of new estate road; earthworks to c
Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 24)
As in report
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for FUL/000506/23 - Full application - for B1 (b) (c), B2 and B8 employment space, with ancillary B1a office use; associated servicing and infrastructure including parking; vehicle and pedestrian circulations; creation of new estate road; eart, item 24
- Webcast for FUL/000506/23 - A - Full application - for B1 (b) (c), B2 and B8 employment space, with ancillary B1a office use; associated servicing and infrastructure including parking; vehicle and pedestrian circulations; creation of new estate road; earthworks to create development platforms; landscaping; creation of drainage features; electrical substation; pumping station, and ecological works at Land at former Corus site, Northern Gateway, Garden City, Sealand
That planning permission be granted subject to the Section 106 Obligation and conditions set out in the report, in accordance with the officer recommendation.