Issue - meetings
FUL/000246/23 - Full application - Retention and use of existing structures, plant and ancillary development (including access roadway and landscaping) forming the Point of Ayr gas terminal for the transport of CO2 and the demolition/removal of redun
Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Planning Committee (Item 48)
As in report
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for FUL/000246/23 - Full application - Full application - Retention and use of existing structures, plant and ancillary development (including access roadway and landscaping) forming the Point of Ayr gas terminal for the transport of carbon di, item 48 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for FUL/000246/23 - A - Full application - Retention and use of existing structures, plant and ancillary development (including access roadway and landscaping) forming the Point of Ayr gas terminal for the transport of CO2 and the demolition/removal of redundant structures at the terminal; construction and use of new infrastructure required for CO2 service at the Point of Ayr gas terminal; retention and use of the existing 20 diameter gas pipeline, condensate pipes and associated cables from the Point of Ayr gas terminal to the Mean Low Water Spring mark for the transport of CO2 and associated activities; removal of the Shut Down Valve compound associated with the existing 20 diameter gas pipeline from the Point of Ayr gas terminal to the Mean Low Water Spring mark and appropriate restoration/remediation; construction and use of two 33kV electricity and fibre optic connections from Point of Ayr gas terminal to the Mean Low Water Spring mark; and construction and use of two kiosks and assoc
That in accordance with the officer recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the Section 106 Legal Agreement and conditions set out in the report.
That in accordance with the officer recommendation, planning permission be granted subject to the Section 106 Legal Agreement and conditions set out in the report.