Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy Action Plan Performance Update

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Housing Strategy Action Plan Performance Update pdf icon PDF 132 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Bibby introduced the report which provided an update on delivery of the Housing Strategy Delivery Plan 2019/2024 with particular emphasis on the financial year 2022/23.


The Housing Strategy had a delivery plan which set out three strategic priorities and related activity to achieve those priorities:


Priority 1: increase supply to provide the right type of homes in the right location

Priority 2: provide support to ensure people lived and remained in the right type of home

Priority 3: improve the quality and sustainability of homes


Details were provided on the progress against the action plan for the financial year 2022/23; planned development/delivery programme; progress against established measures; renewal of the housing strategy and action plan; and next steps.  The next steps set out an outline framework for renewal of the strategy and the reporting timelines.


            Councillor Johnson welcomed the report which clarified the level of challenge faced in the current economic climate.


The report had been submitted to Community and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and there were no comments on the recommendations.







(a)       That comments on the Housing Strategy Action Plan 2019/24 be received; and


(b)       That the changes outlined in the report on the following be noted:

·         The PDP process and the move to an online portal

·         The removal of the 20% limitation on the budget for acquisitions

·         The alignment of standards and intervention rate for acquisitions under SHG with those from TACP