Issue - meetings
Missed Collections and Fleet Reliability
Meeting: 10/10/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 35)
35 Missed Collections and Fleet Reliability PDF 127 KB
Additional documents:
That the report on service performance for Missed Waste Collections and Fleet noted.
The Chief Officer introduced the report to provide an update to the Committee following a request for further information on Missed Collections & Waste and Recycling Collection Vehicle Reliability. She provided background information and advised that the report provided an overview of the issues that can cause collections to be regularly missed, with particular focus on fleet reliability within the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio. The report outlined the policies in place for missed collections and summarised the performance and reliability of the Council's fleet vehicles and identified key issues.
The Service Delivery Manager and Highways Network Manager presented the report and referred to the main considerations as detailed.
Councillor Gladys Healey raised concerns regarding a missed collection of a medical waste bag and also the assisted collection service. The Service Delivery Manager advised that the Council was currently working with an external organisation to develop new software which would significantly assist the current collection services by providing a solution to the problem of “human error” which resulted in a missed collection. The new software could also potentially provide notification to residents when the collection vehicle was in their immediate area.
Officers responded to the questions and comments raised by Councillor Mike Peers concerning multiple missed collections (for example a street collection), the ‘no return’ policy for missed recycling collection, and electric recycling recovery vehicles.
Officers responded to the further questions and comments raised by Members regarding, the potential to review and extend operating hours to include weekend working, missed collections, side waste and enforcement, and comparable data with other local authorities on collection rates. The Chief Officer and Service Delivery Manager also responded to the questions raised concerning staff vacancies, recruitment, and use of agency staff.
The Chief Officer and Highway Network Manager responded to the further questions raised by Councillors David Coggins-Cogan and Dan Rose on fleet age and the plan for fleet replacement.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Dan Rose and seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.
That the report on service performance for Missed Waste Collections and Fleet noted.