Issue - meetings

Reports from Independent Member visits to County Council meetings

Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Standards Committee (Item 35)

Reports from Independent Member visits to County Council meetings

To receive verbal reports from Independent Members of the Committee on their visits to the following meetings:


·         10.10.23 - Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (David Davies)

·         17.10.23 - Cabinet (Gill Murgatroyd)

·         19.10.23 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (David Davies)

·         24.10.23 - Flintshire County Council (Mark Morgan)

Additional documents:


That the Committee notes the verbal feedback to be shared with all Members.


The Chair explained that Independent Members had agreed a rota for attending and observing formal meetings of the County Council for 2023/24, similar to the arrangement undertaken for Town and Community Council meetings.  She invited the Independent Members to present their reports on the first of those visits which had taken place, as follows:


·         David Davies - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 10 October

·         Gill Murgatroyd - Cabinet on 17 October

·         David Davies - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 19 October

·         Mark Morgan - Flintshire County Council on 24 October


The following key points were raised from those visits:


·         Meetings were generally well chaired.

·         Agendas were well structured and included an item on declarations of interest.

·         That officers attending meetings should be introduced by their roles and that job titles should be displayed in remote meetings to assist observers.

·         In response to the issues observed at one meeting, to remind Councillors that they should choose their words carefully as whilst opinions differed, it is important to remain respectful and courteous so that public meetings are conducted in a professional manner and do not undermine confidence in the Council.


During discussion on the latter point, reference was made to the earlier item on the Civility and Respect Pledge by local councils.  Gill Murgatroyd suggested that Independent Members observing future County Council meetings may wish to identify continuing themes in order to consider potential action such as raising concerns with the relevant Group Leader.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that feedback from the visits would be shared in a communication to all Members.  This was moved and seconded by Gill Murgatroyd and David Davies.




That the Committee notes the verbal feedback to be shared with all Members.