Issue - meetings

Suggested items for the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees

Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Standards Committee (Item 37)

Suggested items for the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees

Do Members have any suggestions for items they would like to see discussed at the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees in January?

Additional documents:


That the suggested items be put forward for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting of the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees.


The Chair sought items for the agenda of the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees scheduled for January 2024.  The following suggestions were agreed:


·         To ask when the All Wales Conference for Standards Committee would take place.

·         To seek an update on progress in adopting the consistent threshold for declaring gifts and hospitality in Wales.

·         To seek views on whether Group Leaders are permitted to sit on Standards Committees across Wales, given the new duty on promoting ethical behaviour.

·         To promote the Civility and Respect Pledge.

·         To share learning from observation visits to meetings which may assist other councils.

·         To identify any guidance on the use of social media other than that produced by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA).


The above items were moved by Councillor Teresa Carberry and seconded by Mark Morgan.




That the suggested items be put forward for inclusion on the agenda of the next meeting of the National Forum for Chairs of Standards Committees.