Issue - meetings
Confidential urgent item
Meeting: 06/11/2023 - Standards Committee (Item 40)
Confidential urgent item
Additional documents:
(a) That the Monitoring Officer write to all County Councillors (copied to the Standards Committee) to convey the Committee’s concerns following consideration of feedback from a recent visit to a County Council meeting and the findings of a PSOW case; and
(b) That once visits to County Council meetings had been completed for the 2023/24 municipal year, the Committee would review the situation to assess if further visits were required.
Exclusion of the press and public was moved and seconded by Councillors Antony Wren and Ian Papworth. At this point, all Town and Community Council representatives left the meeting along with Councillor Andrew Parkhurst who had declared a personal and prejudicial interest.
The Monitoring Officer referred to a confidential document which had been shared with the Committee, summarising reasons for the dismissal of a complaint by the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW). The PSOW had permitted the document to be shared with the Committee Members who were asked to consider whether any communication was required in respect of learning from the matter.
During discussion, there was consensus that whilst the Standards Committee respected political debate and freedom of speech, there must be an appropriate balance of compliance with the Code of Conduct. The Committee felt it was important to urge all Councillors to treat each other with respect and courtesy, including officers carrying out their duties within the Chamber, and to reflect on how their words and actions may be perceived, to ensure that confidence in the Council is not undermined. To support Members in their role, information on the training and development programme would be shared.
It was agreed that a communication to all Members should reflect the Committee’s views on the case, together with concerns about feedback from the recent County Council meeting, as referred to earlier in the meeting.
(a) That the Monitoring Officer write to all County Councillors (copied to the Standards Committee) to convey the Committee’s concerns following consideration of feedback from a recent visit to a County Council meeting and the findings of a PSOW case; and
(b) That once visits to County Council meetings had been completed for the 2023/24 municipal year, the Committee would review the situation to assess if further visits were required.