Issue - meetings
Audit Actions Outstanding
Meeting: 22/11/2023 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 43)
43 Audit Actions Outstanding PDF 92 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Actions outstanding, item 43 PDF 226 KB
- Enc. 2 - Temp Accommodation Service Improvement Plan, item 43 PDF 90 KB
- Webcast for Audit Actions Outstanding
(a) That the report and appendix be accepted; and
(b) That a further report be scheduled for January 2024 to update the Committee on progress with outstanding audit actions.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the report on progress with outstanding portfolio audit actions which had been open for a period of time or overdue, as requested at the previous meeting. Follow-up work on the audits would not take place at the current time due to the status of actions, as shown on the appendix. The actions related to audit work in Streetscene & Transportation and Housing & Communities.
In attendance were Vicky Clark (Chief Officer, Housing & Communities), Martin Cooil (Housing & Prevention Services Manager) and Paul Calland (Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager).
The Chair provided background on the Committee’s concerns arising from slow progress on long-standing actions. He and Councillor Bernie Attridge made reference to a lack of evidence needed to close down some actions on Maes Gwern Contractual Arrangements.
Paul Calland provided detailed explanation on the delays and confirmed that final costs for the project had been received and checked by the team. Whilst work on the overage framework and agreement for abnormal costs was not yet completed, information on checking processes would be shared with Internal Audit within the next two months. In relation to the verification data from the contractor, a further meeting was scheduled to finalise the claim for abnormal costs.
In response to Councillor Attridge’s queries on outstanding actions for Homelessness & Temporary Accommodation, Martin Cooil advised that a recent report to the Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee had cited reasons including resources, workforce resilience and emerging issues such as legislative changes. A brief update was given on plans to identify alternative emergency accommodation and to review the offer to private landlords, as detailed in the recent Cabinet report. He acknowledged that some actions noted as completed had been impacted by significant resource pressures as demand for services increased. He envisaged that the audit actions within his service would be completed by the end of the financial year, however this was subject to the ongoing availability of ICT support.
Councillor Attridge questioned whether the projected completion dates were achievable, given the number of actions to be completed. Martin Cooil gave assurance that significant progress had been made on the vast majority of actions and that more work was needed to embed principles within documented procedures and policies.
Sally Ellis acknowledged the pressures on the homelessness service. She queried the lack of focus on the performance management infrastructure and ICT issues, given their prominence in the Annual Governance Statement. Martin Cooil explained that improvements in the capturing of performance data had been identified as one of the actions, as ICT resources had been prioritised to respond to changes in Welsh Government reporting requirements. He anticipated that with continuing ICT support, the actions would be completed by year end.
Brian Harvey queried whether the limitations on ICT support affected other services. The Chief Officer (Governance) said that whilst resources were prioritised accordingly, there were significant challenges due to increased demand for support, recruitment issues and reduced budgets as a result of the Council’s financial challenges.
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