Issue - meetings
Sustainable Learning Communities update
Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)
37 Sustainable Learning Communities update PDF 116 KB
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That the progress of the Sustainable Communities for Learning programme be noted.
The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) introduced Jennie Williams, the Senior Manager, (School Planning and Provision) to committee and outlined the areas of work which she covered.
In presenting the report the Senior Manager (School Planning and Provision) highlighted the progress which had been made with regard to the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme, previously referred to as the School Modernisation Programme. The last update was presented to committee in February 2022 and this report highlighted the progress made in a number of areas and included information on the challenges and pressures which were being faced. The Senior Manager provided information on the grant funding which had been made available and the small team which were tasked to deliver this. She then highlighted some key points within the report and provided an update on the Childcare Programme and the Ysgol Croes Atti site which would be the second net zero carbon school and first new build Welsh Medium school. An update on the 3 to 16 Campus at Mynydd Isa was provided which included information on the excellent social value team and the impacts it was making within the community and wider school network. The Senior Manager confirmed that the portfolio had executed the statutory proposals to increase capacity in Drury and Penyffordd which were completed in December 2022 and that the next stage of extensions and refurbishment had commenced. Information was then provided on the engagement process for the Saltney and Broughton Area Review which had been completed and would be presented to Cabinet. The Senior Manager then provided an update on the Universal Primary Free School Meals Grant which was progressing well and this had enabled some resource and refurbishment changes to be made in primary schools. Referring to Additional Learning Needs (ALN), the Senior Manager confirmed that capital grant funding of £2m had been received and it was confirmed that some money had been directed to the shared Hydro Pool used by the Special Schools and other learners. Work was being undertaken to increase the capacity for learners who required ALN support. The Senior Manager confirmed that the service had accessed the Community Facility Grant and Sports Wales Grants which had enabled works to be undertaken on school sites to support community access of those facilities.
Councillor Bill Crease referred to the Saltney Broughton Area Review and St David’s High School and raised a number of questions around the public consultation, the condition survey and funding for maintenance at the school. He also asked if any Senior Officers or Members had attended the school this year to see what was happening there.
In response, the Senior Manager recognised that this review had taken some time to progress as there were complex circumstances around the school site and flooding in this area. An update would be provided to Cabinet and the Committee with regard to the outcomes of the engagement process. She explained that she and other officers had visited the school as there had been some significant repairs ... view the full minutes text for item 37