Issue - meetings

Council Tax Reform – Welsh Government Phase 2 Consultation

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 107)

107 Council Tax Reform – Welsh Government Phase 2 Consultation pdf icon PDF 286 KB

Additional documents:


That the Welsh Government (phase 2) proposals to reform Council Tax be noted, and senior officers be authorised to respond to the consultation to recommend the expanded version with an incremental approach.


The Chief Officer (Governance) introduced the report which provided Members with information on a phase 2 Welsh Government consultation seeking views on the ongoing council tax reform programme. The phase 2 proposals centred on:


·         The scale and pace of potential council tax banding/revaluation reforms

·         Reform of the Class F council tax exemption for properties which were

unoccupied where the previous occupier had died, and no grant of probate or letters of administration had been made.

·         Clarity over the appropriate terminology and criteria for the Class U

council tax exemption for households where the occupier was certified as being ‘severely mentally impaired’.


The Revenues and Procurement Manager provided full details of the options available.


Councillor Healey explained that the report had been considered at Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where they supported the expanded version, and for as soon as possible.  He moved an amendment to the recommendation to support the expanded version but with an incremental approach, which was supported.




That the Welsh Government (phase 2) proposals to reform Council Tax be noted, and senior officers be authorised to respond to the consultation to recommend the expanded version with an incremental approach.