Issue - meetings

Recommendations from the Sheltered Housing Review Task & Finish Group

Meeting: 13/12/2023 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 55)

55 Recommendations from the Sheltered Housing Review Task & Finish Group pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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That the Committee endorse the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group to be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.


The Facilitator reported that a decision was made by the Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 8th of March, 2023 to establish a Sheltered Housing Review Task & Finish Group. This followed the recommendation of the Committee at its meeting on 8th February 2023, following consideration of the Sheltered Housing Review report.


The Group has met on three separate occasions to consider the terms of

reference of the Group, the Scoring Matrix and the Communications and Engagement Plan.  The first meeting considered and set out the Terms of Reference.  The second meeting set out the matrix going forward including how dual member wards would be awarded if they had different views. The final meeting that took place considered the communication and engagement plan.


The report set out the recommendations made by the group, for consideration by the Committee with a view to making recommendations to Cabinet.

Councillor Dale Selvester commented that he was pleased with the work of the Task & Finish Group and how the matrix would work as part of the review.


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Geoff Collett and seconded by Councillor Dale Selvester.




That the Committee endorse the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group to be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.