Issue - meetings
Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) 2023
Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)
62 Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) 2023 PDF 129 KB
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That the Committee support the capital investment programme in the next phase of delivery as it moved towards complying with the new updated Welsh Housing Quality Standards and requirements.
The Service Manager – Housing Assets introduced a report to provide an update on the new Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS 2 2023) and the Council’s obligations relating to the delivery of the new standards.
The Council were successful in delivering the previous WHQS programme of works to all Council stock and were now in the maintenance phase of the programme, delivering further investment works to those components within properties where required. As a result of the new standards, the Council would be required to update its specifications, work briefs and programmes of work to comply with the new guidance.
The Service Manager outlined the main Standards set out for all social housing as follows:-
· Is in a good state of repair.
· Is safe and secure.
· Is affordable to heat and has minimal environmental impact.
· Has an up-to-date kitchen and utility area.
· Has an up to date bathroom;
· Is comfortable and promotes wellbeing.
· Has a suitable garden; and
· Has an attractive outside space.
The Service Manager highlighted the new themes of the WHQS 2 and the timeline for achievement of the standard, as outlined within the report.
Councillor Ted Palmer raised concern that he had not received a questionnaire as a Contract Holder and also asked if WHQS 2 would be an improvement on the works carried out as part of the WHQS. The Service Manager explained that the questionnaires he was referring to in his presentation referred to the original questionnaires sent to Contract Holders in 2014. Further questionnaires would be sent out as part of the consultation process for the WHQS 2. He also advised that the WHQS 2 would be an improvement above the standard of the WHQS, in particular community open space and access.
In response to a question from Councillor Geoff Collett around ‘Net Zero’, the Capital Works Manager explained the meaning around ‘Net Zero’ as part of the WHQS 2, outlining biodiversity as a driver towards net zero and reducing carbon emissions. He also explained that there was also a need to look at all green spaces and spaces which could be utilised to help promote wildlife.
Councillor Bernie Attridge commented on the potential to undertake regeneration schemes on some of the estates and asked whether consideration would be given to the benefits provided to areas where many of the Council properties had been purchased as part of the right to buy scheme. The Service Manager agreed that it would be easier to regenerate an area where all of the Council properties were still under the ownership of the Council and that the Council needed to be mindful of how Housing Revenue Account monies were spent. He advised that consultation would be held with Members and contract holders as the Council progressed with its investment plans.
In response to concerns raised by Councillor Pam Banks around damage caused at properties, the Service Manager advised that all contractors were briefed and asked to provide appropriate care to protect properties from unnecessary damage. The Cabinet Member ... view the full minutes text for item 62