Issue - meetings

Streetlighting Policy 2023-2028

Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 108)

108 Streetlighting Policy 2023-2028 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


Councillor Hughes introduced the report and explained the last time the policy was reviewed was in 2015 when the standards were amended for repairing street lighting faults and the frequency of night-time inspections were revised, as well as including provision for part-night lighting and dimming lights.


The draft policy set out the responsibilities, requirements and standards for all new or replacement external public highway lighting, and aimed to incorporate, wherever practicable, all relevant codes of practice and legislation, together with industry best practice and national policies.


The revised policy being presented for consideration with the report took into account additional electrical infrastructure, such as electric vehicle charging, vehicle activated signs and defibrillators.


The report had been considered at the recent Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny and their comments had been incorporated into the document.


In response to a question from Councillor Roberts, the Operational North and Streetlighting Manager Highway Network Manager confirmed that the arrangements with Town and Community Councils on being able to pay towards keeping lights on remained unchanged.




(a)       That the portfolio’s performance against the current standards and policy be noted; and


(b)       That the revised Street Lighting policy be supported.