Issue - meetings

Internal Audit Progress Report

Meeting: 24/01/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 58)

58 Internal Audit Progress Report pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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(a)       That the report be accepted; and


(b)       That a report be received at the next meeting relating to the position on the DBS service and urgent actions required to address the problems identified.


The Internal Audit, Performance and Risk Manager presented the update on progress against the Plan, final reports issued, action tracking, performance indicators and current investigations.  Since the last update, two Amber Red (some assurance) reports had been issued on Strategic Core Funding and Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks.


Sally Ellis raised concerns about the Amber Red report on DBS Checks as this was an important safeguarding responsibility of the Council.  She queried why the report was not escalated to Red and requested a report back to the Committee on the completion of actions, noting that this was a corporate risk with the potential to become strategic.


Her comments were echoed by the Chair who shared concerns about the deadlines for actions.


Councillor Bernie Attridge questioned the basis of due dates for risk management reporting on DBS Checks and actions to address the lack of oversight of the payment process on Strategic Core Funding.


Following concerns from Councillor Andrew Parkhurst on the increased number of overdue actions, the Chief Executive agreed that this was disappointing.  Whilst acknowledging the fluid nature of action tracking and escalation process, he gave assurance that the importance of closing actions to reduce risks would be reinforced with Chief Officers.  On Strategic Core Funding, an update on progress with contract arrangements for third party organisations in receipt of grants would be shared.


In response to further comments about the urgency of DBS actions and the need for corporate oversight, the Chief Executive gave a personal commitment that he would seek assurance on urgent work and clarification to address the issues in advance of the Corporate Manager, People and Organisational Development attending the next meeting and providing a detailed update on progress at the next meeting.


On a further question, officers would liaise with Education colleagues and confirm that individual schools were responsible for their own DBS checks.


The recommendations, which were amended to reflect the concerns raised, were moved and seconded by Brian Harvey and Councillor Attridge.




(a)       That the report be accepted; and


(b)       That a report be received at the next meeting relating to the position on the DBS service and urgent actions required to address the problems identified.