Issue - meetings
Audit Wales Assurance & Risk Assessment Report – Carbon reduction plan
Meeting: 05/03/2024 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 77)
77 Audit Wales Assurance & Risk Assessment Report – Carbon reduction plan PDF 171 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Audit Wales Assurance & Risk Assessment Report – Carbon reduction plan, item 77
PDF 260 KB
- Enc. 2 for Audit Wales Assurance & Risk Assessment Report – Carbon reduction plan, item 77
- Webcast for Audit Wales Assurance & Risk Assessment Report – Carbon reduction plan
That the outcome of the Audit Wales report and support action being
taken to address its recommendation be noted.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) provided background information and advised that the purpose of the report was to give an overview of the Assurance & Risk Assessment review and the action taken to date to address the recommendation. The Chief Officer presented the report and referred to the main points as detailed.
The Chief Officer responded to the questions raised by Councillor Mike Peers concerning a £22m funding gap (Authority’s cost estimate in excess of £22m), resources being a barrier to meeting the targets, and the Authority’s estimated costs to be compliant with the target (page 39 - £66m).
The Chief Officer responded to the further questions and comments raised by Members regarding the undertaking by Audit Wales of each Council’s carbon commitment and action against the findings of their public sector wide report.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor David Coggins-Cogan and seconded by Councillor Mike Peers.
That the outcome of the Audit Wales report and support action being
taken to address its recommendation be noted.