Issue - meetings

Carbon emissions of factory farming in Flintshire

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Climate Change Committee (Item 39)

39 Carbon emissions of farming in Flintshire pdf icon PDF 164 KB

To receive a report on carbon emissions associated with farming, and the role of the Council in influencing carbon positive agricultural practices.

Additional documents:




(a)       That engagement with tenant farmers on Flintshire County Council

land to understand their farming practices and activities to address climate

change be supported; and .


(b)       That engagement with the National Farmers Union (NFU), the Farmers Union of Wales (FUW), and known companies, and private farmers, to understand how we can engage and promote best practice across the County be supported



The Climate Change Project Officer presented a report on carbon emissions associated with farming, and the role of the Council in influencing carbon positive agricultural practices.  He provided background information and reported on the main points as detailed in the report.


The Climate Change Programme Manager responded to a question from Councillor Dan Rose concerning contracts and tenant farmers and explained that there were different types of contracts and that there was the opportunity to update the contract terms to support objectives when due for renewal.


The Climate Change Project Officer responded to the question from Councillor Eastwood concerning the percentage of tenant farmers in relation to private land farming, and explained information wasn’t available online regarding the location of private farms and that the National Farmers Union Wales may be able to provide further information. Councillor Eastwood proposed that the second recommendation in the report be amended to include the Farmers Union of Wales (FUW).  Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson seconded the proposal and when put to the vote this was carried.




(a)       That engagement with tenant farmers on Flintshire County Council

land to understand their farming practices and activities to address climate

change be supported; and .


(b)       That engagement with the National Farmers Union (NFU), the Farmers Union of Wales (FUW), and known companies, and private farmers, to understand how we can engage and promote best practice across the County be supported