Issue - meetings
Internal Audit Strategic Plan
Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 72)
72 Internal Audit Strategic Plan PDF 90 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Internal Audit Strategic Plan 2024-27, item 72
PDF 580 KB
- Webcast for Internal Audit Strategic Plan
That having considered the areas covered, including those prioritised for the first year, and the level of audit resources given the level of assurance required, the Committee approves the Flintshire Internal Audit Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, subject to the date correction in section 1.1.
The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the three year Internal Audit Strategic Plan for 2024/27 which had been developed using assurance mapping, results of previous audit work, new and emerging risks and consultation with senior officers and Audit Wales. All high priority audits and annual/biannual reviews were included for completion in 2024/25 with priority ratings indicated. The date shown in the introduction would be amended to reflect the reporting period.
During discussion on Internal Audit resources, the Chair commented that any further reductions in posts may be of concern.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Ted Palmer and Andrew Parkhurst.
That having considered the areas covered, including those prioritised for the first year, and the level of audit resources given the level of assurance required, the Committee approves the Flintshire Internal Audit Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, subject to the date correction in section 1.1.