Issue - meetings

Governance & Audit Committee Self-Assessment

Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 69)

69 Governance & Audit Committee Self-Assessment pdf icon PDF 120 KB

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That having considered the report, the Committee agrees:


(a)       That half yearly updates on the action plan be scheduled in the Forward Work Programme;


(b)       That the Chair and Vice-Chair be invited to meetings with the Overview & Scrutiny Chairs; and


(c)       That an informal pre-meeting takes place prior to the next meeting in June.


The Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented the results of the self-assessment undertaken in February during an online workshop following the completion of questionnaires.  The overall results would feed into preparations on the Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24 and the Committee’s Annual Report.


Following a verbal update on questionnaires received after the deadline, the Chair expressed his disappointment at the response rate, particularly from Overview & Scrutiny Chairs.


As suggested by Brian Harvey, it was agreed that half yearly updates on actions would be scheduled.


In recognising the benefits of the self-assessment process, Sally Ellis said that more work was needed to strengthen links with Overview & Scrutiny.  She went on to refer to the shared responsibility across the membership of this Committee in ensuring that actions were being completed.


Her comments were endorsed by the Chair who said that Democratic Services officers had been asked to co-ordinate meetings with Overview & Scrutiny Chairs.  His suggestion for an informal pre-meeting immediately prior to the June meeting to co-ordinate questions and resolve issues was supported.


The recommendations were moved and seconded by Brian Harvey and Sally Ellis.




That having considered the report, the Committee agrees:


(a)       That half yearly updates on the action plan be scheduled in the Forward Work Programme;


(b)       That the Chair and Vice-Chair be invited to meetings with the Overview & Scrutiny Chairs; and


(c)       That an informal pre-meeting takes place prior to the next meeting in June.