Issue - meetings

Communities for Work

Meeting: 20/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 126)

Communities for Work

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations, with the inclusion of the following words at the end of recommendation (2): or that, depending on the scale of the exit costs, it will be the subject of Full Council consideration following the consultation period.


Councillor Healey introduced the report which provided details of the Communities for Work programme and the budget reduction for 2024/25.


The report recommended a new structure for the service which was affordable within the reduced budget.




            (a)       That the proposed new structure for the service be approved; and


(b)       That delegated authority be given to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) to complete the restructure process, amending the structure as needed following consultation with the Trade Unions and employees, or that, depending on the scale of the exit costs, it will be the subject of Full Council consideration following the consultation period.