Issue - meetings

Use of Performance Information: Service User Perspective and Outcomes

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 11)

11 Use of Performance Information: Service User Perspective and Outcomes pdf icon PDF 100 KB

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That having considered the response to the recommendations for improvement, the Committee comments to Cabinet as follows:

(a) In relation to key policy and service decisions including any changes to services, that reports include service user perspectives on the outcomes currently being delivered; and

(b) That Cabinet be asked to consider an annual survey of service users on the Council’s performance, possibly around April to be incorporated with the issuing of Council Tax bills.


The Chief Officer (Governance) and Internal Audit, Performance & Risk Manager presented a report on progress with actions arising from the Audit Wales review.


It was noted that the Consultation and Engagement Strategy would be scheduled for a future meeting.


The recommendation was amended to reflect the debate.




That having considered the response to the recommendations for improvement, the Committee comments to Cabinet as follows:


(a) In relation to key policy and service decisions including any changes to services, that reports include service user perspectives on the outcomes currently being delivered; and


(b) That Cabinet be asked to consider an annual survey of service users on the Council’s performance, possibly around April to be incorporated with the issuing of Council Tax bills.