Issue - meetings
Audit Wales report: Homelessness services - Flintshire County Council
Meeting: 10/04/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 65)
65 Audit Wales report: Homelessness services - Flintshire County Council PDF 104 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Audit Wales report, item 65
PDF 765 KB
- Enc. 2 - FCC Organisational Response Action Plan, item 65
- Webcast for Audit Wales report: Homelessness services - Flintshire County Council
(a) That the Audit Wales report into Homelessness Services at Flintshire County Council be noted; and
(b) That the Council’s responses to the recommendations of Audit Wales for future monitoring and oversight purposes be noted.
The Housing & Prevention Services Manager presented a report on the review of Homelessness Services undertaken by Audit Wales. Following receipt of the final report in January 2024, the findings and organisational response to the three recommendations had been reviewed and supported by the Community and Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.
The Audit Wales report found that the Council delivered a high quality service and had a good understanding of pressures and future projections, acknowledging the risks around financial sustainability of service delivery which were not unique to Flintshire. The officer went on to provide an update on progress with the three recommendations.
Duncan Mackenzie of Audit Wales welcomed the work undertaken by the service and processes put in place, acknowledging the long term financial challenges on this complex issue affecting all councils.
Sally Ellis described this as a positive report which reflected well on the homelessness services in Flintshire. When asked about the timely completion of actions, the Service Manager provided assurance on the implementation of Recommendations 2 and 3 and advised that Recommendation 1 would require wider support from colleagues across the Council to meet the deadline.
In agreeing with concerns about the unsustainability of the financial position highlighted in the report, Councillor Glyn Banks commented on the impact of national housing decisions. On one of the findings, Duncan Mackenzie explained that the service could be more proactive in dealing with internal and external elected Members to help manage expectations and demands upon the service.
Brian Harvey sought an update on IT issues previously reported and was informed that more support had been provided to cope with demands upon the service. It was also noted that the findings of this specific audit potentially regarded the IT system for homelessness and housing support as best practice.
In thanking the Service Manager and all those involved in the positive report, Councillor Ian Roberts commented on the need for national oversight of the challenges highlighted. Charles Rigby provided explanation on reporting arrangements to Welsh Government (WG), such as the forthcoming national study on homelessness by Audit Wales which would help to highlight common issues.
Councillor Andrew Parkhurst asked about a possible collective response to WG on the financial pressures. The Service Manager said that whilst there was increased funding for prevention work and non-statutory services, the main pressures were around Council funding for staff posts and emergency accommodation costs above the grant funding allocation. He went on to refer to the commitment given by WG to end homelessness and gave assurance that representations continued to be made at regional and national level.
The Chief Executive said that the service was making a positive impact on homelessness, however the unsustainable position created a pressure for all councils, as recognised by Audit Wales. On Councillor Parkhurst’s suggestion, he said that whilst representations continued, he would write to the Minister to reinforce the concerns of the Committee.
The Chair thanked the Service Manager and his team for the positive report and contributions from Audit ... view the full minutes text for item 65