Issue - meetings

Welsh Government’s (WG) Sustainable Communities for Learning Rolling Capital Investment Programme and Mutual Investment Model (MIM)

Meeting: 24/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 156)

Welsh Government’s (WG) Sustainable Communities for Learning Rolling Capital Investment Programme and Mutual Investment Model (MIM)

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Eastwood introduced the report and explained that Welsh Government’s Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme required all Local Authorities to submit their rolling Strategic Outline Programmes (SOP) for consideration by Welsh Government (WG) by 31stMarch 2024.


The Strategic Outline Programme set out a high-level outline of the potential projects that a Council considered it could fund, in partnership with Welsh Government, and which met the funding criteria set by WG.


The report outlined the projects contained within the Council’s SOP submission to WG. It explained the principles used and assumptions made to deliver a programme with as minimal an impact on future revenue budgets.




That the contents of the report be noted and the Strategic Outline Programme submission to Welsh Government be approved.