Issue - meetings

Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25, Investiture of Chain of Office and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Flintshire County Council (Item 4)

Appointment of Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25, Investiture of Chain of Office and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Additional documents:


That Councillor Mel Buckley be elected Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25.


Councillor Michelle Perfect proposed that Councillor Mel Buckley be elected Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25 and commended her service in local government.


In seconding the proposal, Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of Councillor Buckley’s personal and professional qualities, wishing her well in the role.


No further nominations were received.


On being put to the vote, Councillor Mel Buckley was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25.  Councillor Buckley responded by expressing gratitude for the honour.


Councillor Buckley was invested with the Chain of Office by the Chair and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Chief Executive.  Councillor Buckley’s Consort, Joe Stonely, would be invested with the Chain of Office at a future meeting.




That Councillor Mel Buckley be elected Vice-Chair of the Council for the municipal year 2024/25.