Issue - meetings

Appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Flintshire County Council (Item 6)

Appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council

To note the appointment of the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council.

Additional documents:


That the choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet and their portfolios detailed below, be noted.


Cabinet Member


Ian Roberts

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Leisure

Christine Jones

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Services and Well-being

Dave Hughes

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport

Chris Bithell

Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection

Paul Johnson

Cabinet Member for Finance and Social Value

Sean Bibby

Cabinet Member for Housing

David Healey

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy

Mared Eastwood

Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language and Culture

Linda Thomas

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services



In accordance with the Constitution, Councillor Ian Roberts set out his choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet.  He clarified that he would assume responsibility for Leisure until the current situation was resolved.  He went on to thank Councillor Billy Mullin for his years of service on Cabinet.




That the choice of Councillors to serve on the Cabinet and their portfolios detailed below, be noted.


Cabinet Member


Ian Roberts

Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Leisure

Christine Jones

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Services and Well-being

Dave Hughes

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Transport

Chris Bithell

Cabinet Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection

Paul Johnson

Cabinet Member for Finance and Social Value

Sean Bibby

Cabinet Member for Housing

David Healey

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy

Mared Eastwood

Cabinet Member for Education, Welsh Language and Culture

Linda Thomas

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services