Issue - meetings

Future options: leisure, libraries, and museum services

Meeting: 30/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 3.)

Future options: leisure, libraries, and museum services

Additional documents:


1             Cabinet notes the communications from Aura

2             That Cabinet notes the feedback and opinion from EYOSC and its recommendation that Cabinet seek to continue with its arrangement with Aura

3             That in light of the information received from Aura today following a request by Officers,  that officers continue to explore the grant option based upon the provision of a compliant subsidy control assessment.  This is dependent upon Aura accepting a new short term grant in order to complete the necessary work on subsidy control

4             That if satisfactory progress is not made in relation to recommendation 3 that a model based upon a Local Authority Trading Company (LATC) is progressed.

5             That due to the limited time available and further to the agreement of the Chair of Council, that these decisions are urgent and therefore exempt from call-in.