Issue - meetings
Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2025/26
Meeting: 19/07/2024 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)
16 Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2025/26 PDF 73 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 - Cabinet report, item 16
PDF 364 KB
- Webcast for Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2025/26
That the comments on the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2025/26 be reported back to Cabinet when it considers the report.
The Corporate Finance Manager presented a report on the first stage of developing the budget for 2025/26 prior to consideration by Cabinet.
Separate responses would be shared with the Committee on (i) the rationale for funding transportation for pupils out of county to Chester Catholic High School as opposed to using local provision; (ii) the process for dealing with people presenting as homeless with no local connection; and (iii) potential benefits arising from the Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 2000.
On that basis, the recommendation was supported.
That the comments on the Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2025/26 be reported back to Cabinet when it considers the report.