Issue - meetings
Update on the Works of the Enforcement Service
Meeting: 16/07/2024 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)
13 Update on the Works of the Enforcement Service PDF 113 KB
Additional documents:
That the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee notes the
actions of the Civil Parking and Environmental Enforcement team along with the data for these activities over a twelve-month period.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) presented a report
to provide an update on the work of the Enforcement Service. The Regulatory Services Manager reported on the key points as detailed in the report.
During consideration of the item the following actions arose:
- Councillor Richard Lloyd requested that better signage/enforcement be provided to stop vehicles being parked on street pavements
- Councillor Mike Peers referred to section 1.07 of the report and asked if data could be provided on the illegal burning of waste. He also requested information on the performance data charts and asked how many cases were open and the progress being made. The Chief Officer said that the information could be provided as part of an annual report on environmental crime enforcement data
- Discussion took place around the 5-minute grace period parking outside schools and it was said that this matter was being considered by the School Parking Task and Finish Group. It was requested that confirmation be sought that this was correct and if so that members of the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee receive an update on progress.
- The Regulatory Services Manager agreed to provide data on vacancies and sickness absence for the Enforcement Team to a future meeting of the Committee
- The Regulatory Services Manager agreed to provide an overview of data on the frequency/number of school visits to a future meeting of the Committee
- Councillor Bill Crease requested that HMO landlords to be encouraged to work with the Council to make arrangements to dispose of items to avoid the possibility of fly-tipping – The Chief Officer advised that an update report on trade waste would be submitted to the Committee in October and said that the suggestion could be considered as part of the item.
Councillor Mike Peers proposed that the word “performance” be removed from the recommendation in the report. The Chief Officer agreed that in future, as part of an annual report, data on “open” cases, progress to date, and officer time, would be provided. The amendment to the recommendation was carried.
That the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee notes the
actions of the Civil Parking and Environmental Enforcement team along with the data for these activities over a twelve-month period.