Issue - meetings

Nominating Members to the Corporate Joint Committee’s own Governance and Audit Committee

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 33)

33 Nominating Members to the Corporate Joint Committee’s own Governance and Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Committee nominates Councillor Andrew Parkhurst to serve on the Governance & Audit Committee of the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee and Councillor Ted Palmer to serve as a substitute;


(b)       That the Committee does not wish to nominate a Lay Member to the Governance & Audit Committee of the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee; and


(c)       That the Chief Officer (Governance) ascertain whether there is a mandatory training requirement for nominations to the Corporate Joint Committee Governance & Audit Committee.


The Chief Officer (Governance) presented a report to nominate Members to the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee’s own Governance and Audit Committee.  He agreed to establish whether there was a mandatory training requirement for those serving on the joint committee.


The nominations put forward by the Committee were accepted by those two Members.  The Chair advised that a discussion prior to the meeting had found that none of the co-optees wished to be nominated for the joint committee.  On that basis, the recommendations were supported.




(a)       That the Committee nominates Councillor Andrew Parkhurst to serve on the Governance & Audit Committee of the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee and Councillor Ted Palmer to serve as a substitute;


(b)       That the Committee does not wish to nominate a Lay Member to the Governance & Audit Committee of the North Wales Corporate Joint Committee; and


(c)       That the Chief Officer (Governance) ascertain whether there is a mandatory training requirement for nominations to the Corporate Joint Committee Governance & Audit Committee.