Issue - meetings

2011/12 Performance Review and 2012/13 Priorities

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 2011/12 Performance Review and 2012/13 Priorities pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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As per the recommendation.


The Chief Executive introduced a report which:-


  • explained that under the Local Government Measure Councils were required to set their Improvement ‘Objectives’ or priorities annually at the earliest convenient point in the financial year;
  • set out that the second year’s performance (2011/12) of the Outcome Agreement had been completed and a self assessment of performance against the actions and measures had been undertaken; and
  • sought Member endorsement to the approach taken in setting the Improvement Priorities for 2012/13 and the re-audit of the correct priorities for on-going review.


            The Leader of the Council said that the priorities of the new Council would be in line with the social, economic and financial challenges ahead.  He commented on the Comprehensive Spending Review, the outcome of which was not known at this time and the need to improve inward investment through the Deeside Enterprise Zone to assist in the creation of jobs and apprenticeships for young people.   




(a)       That the progress made against the Outcome Agreement for 2011/12 be noted;


(b)       That a further report be submitted to Cabinet following the evaluation of the Outcome Agreement for 2011/12 by the Welsh Government;


(c)        That the progress made in achieving the priorities of the Improvement Plan in 2011/12 be noted;


(d)       That the approach to setting the Improvement Plan for 2012/13 be endorsed; and


(e)       That the current priorities for on-going review be re-adopted.