Issue - meetings

2011/12 Q4 and Year end Service Performance Reports and Overview

Meeting: 12/06/2012 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 2011/12 Q4 and Year end Service Performance Reports and Overview pdf icon PDF 55 KB

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As per the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management introduced the 2011/12 Quarter 4 and Year End service performance reports produced at the Head of Service/Divisional level under the adopted business model of the Council.  The report also detailed the draft end of year position of the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) and progress made against the Improvement Target Action Plans and actual performance outturns against the targets. 


            Copies of the detailed Quarter 4 (January to March 2011) / Year End performance reports were available in the Members’ Library and on request.


            The Chief Executive provided details on the analysis undertaken for 45 of the 48 Improvement Targets which showed that 25 had achieved green status and drew Members attention to the four high risk areas as detailed in the report. 




(a)       That red performance areas outlined within the report be referred to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for management action;


(b)       That the draft year end position of the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenged (SARC) contained within the performance reports be noted; and


(c)        That the progress made against the Improvement Target Action Plans and actual performance outturns against the targets as contained within the performance reports be noted.