Issue - meetings

Flint Maisonettes

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 29)

29 Flint Maisonettes pdf icon PDF 35 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member for Housing introduced a report to seek approval to commence demolition of Flint maisonettes as a key component of the delivery of the Flint Masterplan.


            The repairs team were recycling all fittings that could be re-used and the next phase in the process was to tender for demolition of the vacant blocks.  The next phase of the housing component of the Masterplan was to finalise early proposals for replacement housing, both the numbers of homes, tenure mix and design style ready for consultation.


            The Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Leisure welcomed the report and the expressed view from the consultation events that new homes should reflect the old street patterns of terraced homes as far as possible.         




(a)       That a budgetary provision of £250,000 be made available from the Housing Revenue Account surplus in 2011/12 to enable demolition;


(b)       That delegated authority be granted to the Head of Housing to demolish vacant blocks of maisonettes and garages, subject to budgetary provision being made available on an annual basis; and


(c)        That delegated authority be granted for Right to Buy maisonettes to be repurchased following independent valuation to allow the demolition of blocks to proceed, subject to provision being made in the Council Fund (Community Services) Capital Programme.