Issue - meetings

Delivering Private Sector Housing Renewal

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Private Sector Renewal Policy pdf icon PDF 46 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Cabinet Member for Housing introduced a report which sought support for a revised Private Sector Housing Renewal & Improvement Policy, which had been prepared with the support of the previous Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  It included proposals to introduce equity loans and also repayment loans at an interest rate of 4% for the first year.


            During the discussion on the report:-


  • the Members of the Housing Renewal Task and Finish Group were thanked for their involvement; and
  • it was suggested and agreed that an action group could be developed to identify empty properties above shops and encourage the property owners to develop them to accommodate young people.




That the revised Private Sector Housing Renewal & Improvement Policy, including the proposals to introduce equity loans and repayment loans at an interest rate of 4% for the first year be supported.