Issue - meetings

Council Tax and Business Rate Policies 2013-14

Meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 180)

180 Council Tax and Business Rate Policies 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 51 KB


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Head of Finance introduced the report to seek approval of various policies for the administration of Council Tax and Business Rates for the financial year 2013-14, with the recommendation for current arrangements to continue.




(a)       That the current Council Tax and Business Rate Policies for 2013-14 continue as follows:-


§         Not to award Council Tax discounts on any prescribed class and that this applies to the whole of the County area (2.02).

§         For the Head of Finance and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management to consider section 13a discretionary discounts through the use of delegated powers (3.03).

§         Discretionary rate relief for as set out (4.02).

§         For the Head of Finance and Cabinet Member for Corporate Management to consider any applications for Business Rate discretionary discounts not within the scope of the existing policy as set out in 4.02 through the use of delegated powers (4.06).

§         Not to award discretionary 'top-up' discounts to small business (5.03).


(b)       That the payment dates for Precepting/Levying Bodies (6.01) and payment dates for Council Tax and Business Rates (7.01 - 7.04) be noted.