Issue - meetings

Formula Review update/Budget Strategy

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 21)

21 Formula Review update/Budget Strategy pdf icon PDF 32 KB

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That members consider the Schools Funding Formula project brief and note the progress of the Schools Funding Formula.



The Director of Lifelong Learning introduced a report to inform the Committee of the work and progress ongoing in relation to the Schools Funding Formula review.


The Finance Manager was introduced to the Committee.  She detailed the background to the report, the main features which were:-


  • Why the school funding formula needs overhauling as it was outdated, having first been developed in 1996
  • That it is a high risk project as there will potentially be “winners” and “losers”.
  • A project board and three project sub-groups had been formed.  The project groups met over the summer and the next project board would meet in November/December 2012.
  • When proposals for revising and amending the formula were complete they would go to project sub groups, the project board then scrutiny committees.


The Committee was asked how it wished to contribute to the process.


            Councillor I.A. Dunbar said that some schools would be underfunded.  In response, the Finance Manager said that schools might be eligible for more funding, some less and others would see no changes.  If there were to be any losers, there would be clear transitional arrangements.  The Director of Lifelong Learning said that the formula review would determine how money was allocated and would not offer additional funding.  If changes to funding were implemented, the basic level of education would need to be protected.


            The Cabinet Member for Education said that there will be an impact on the Flintshire County Council education department and that schools will call on them for budget help and this expectation will continue.


            Councillor D.I. Mackie emphasised the need for transitional arrangements and to close the funding gap between schools.


Councillor R. Guest concurred with Councillor D. Mackie and asked if there was member involvement on the project board.  The Finance Manager confirmed that the Executive Member for Education was on the board.


Councillor S. Jones reported that Castell Alun had one of the lowest budgets.  The Director for Lifelong Learning responded that Castell Alun was a large school in a compact site with low social needs. The Finance Manager added that the project was about equity and ensuring every school got its fair share of funding.  The Director of Lifelong Learning emphasised that he did not want the formula to be used to reorganise schools.


Mrs R. Stark said that the formula should take into consideration the extent of in-house financial management expertise in schools.  She said staff would need to be trained in budget management.  Secondary schools had bursars, but not primary schools.  The Finance Manager responded that there was a school business management group for secondary schools and that training would be developed for finance managers. 


Councillor. C.A. Thomas asked if variances in heating costs of schools, would be taken into account in the formula. The Head of Finance confirmed that there was consideration for boiler efficiency.


Councillor R. Guest asked about schools which prefer to have certain issues dealt with centrally by Flintshire County Council.  The Director for Lifelong Learning responded that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21