Issue - meetings

Community Play Project

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 19)



(a)       That the report be noted.


(b)       That an evaluation from the first project be available for the next meeting.



The Head of Culture and Leisure provided a report to update the Committee about the North East Wales Community Play Project (NEWCPP).


            Councillor C.A. Thomas expressed her disappointment that her ward was not eligible for the scheme, as it was not a Communities First area. 


            Councillor S. Jones asked about assistance for areas which did not meet criteria for this project.  The Head of Culture and Leisure said that match funding with town and community councils was the way to address play area improvements, and that such a project was underway in Hope.


            The Cabinet Member for Education said that external consultants had looked at the worst play areas in the county and recommended that the Villa, Hope, be improved.


            Councillor C.A. Thomas said that the Hope Community Council and Cadwyn Clwyd would be partly funding the Hope project.


            Councillor I.A. Dunbar said that whilst he applauded the project, he was concerned that, when the project moved to Connah’s Quay, that it did not affect take up of the play scheme already in operation.  The Head of Culture and Leisure said that the project would not be detrimental to the current play scheme, in that it was for a fixed term and will be offering different play opportunities.


            Councillor D.I. Mackie said that whilst he had been very impressed by the project, he was concerned about the legacy of the project. The Head of Culture and Leisure said that legacy was a big issue and that engagement was needed with local communities and agencies as the Council cannot sustain it.  He also stated that advice would be sought from Glyndwr University who are evaluating the project.  


            Mrs. Rebecca Stark asked about the timeframe for evaluation from Glyndwr University.  The Head of Culture and Leisure responded that research is ongoing until the end of the grant period.


            Councillor C.A. Thomas asked if sustainability featured in the grant application.  The Director for Lifelong Learning reported that Flintshire County Council cannot offer funding to continue the project and that the project should be self sustainable.


            The Chairman noted that evaluation was ongoing and asked if the project had failed if there is no legacy.  The Director for Lifelong Learning said that the lasting impact of the project will be ascertained after evaluation.  The Chair asked that an evaluation of the first project be available for the next meeting.


            Councillor P. Shotton said that Councillor Mackie had made a valid point about legacy.  He agreed that the project offers fantastic resources and hoped that the Bryn Deva and Golftyn areas of his ward would benefit when the project moved to Connah’s Quay.  The Chairman asked which areas would be targeted by the project.  The Head of Culture and Leisure said that this was to be confirmed.



(a)       That the report be noted.


(b)       That an evaluation from the first project be available for the next meeting.