Issue - meetings

Council Tax and Long Term Empty Homes in Wales

Meeting: 16/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 91)

91 Council Tax and Long Term Empty Homes in Wales pdf icon PDF 37 KB

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As per the recommendations.


Officers to take cognisance of WLGA’s response in preparing Flintshire County Council’s reply to the consultation.


            The Cabinet Member for Corporate Management introduced a report which outlined background information and sought support on Welsh Government proposals to amend legislation allowing Local Authorities the discretion to charge additional council tax on long term empty properties in Wales.  The current level of empty properties and length of time they had been empty was detailed within the report.


            The Leader of the Council welcomed the report and the proposals to tackle long term empty properties which attracted anti-social behaviour within the community.  He suggested that officers take notice of the Welsh Local Government Association’s (WLGA’s) response in preparing Flintshire County Council’s reply to the consultation. 


            In response to a question on non domestic properties, the Head of Finance explained that the proposals would not amend legislation for non domestic properties but suggested that a comment could be included within the response that similar powers would be welcomed in respect of non domestic properties which could also present problems for the community.




(a)       That the principles of the proposals be supported;


(b)       That officers be authorised to respond appropriately to the consultation, in line with the recommended responses shown in Appendix 1 to the report; and


(c)        That officers take cognisance of the WLGA’s response in preparing Flintshire County Council’s reply to the consultation.