Issue - meetings

Council Fund Revenue Budget 2013/14

Meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 167)

167 Council Fund Revenue Budget 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


* In accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, this decision is not subject to call in.


The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report to present the finalised Council Fund Revenue Budget strategy and detailed proposals for 2013/14 for recommendation to County Council on 1 March 2013.  He commented on the work undertaken by officers and Members to close the budget shortfall and thanked all those who had been involved in the process.  He spoke of the principles which had guided the budget for the continuation of the delivery of key services along with tackling the challenges facing the Council, requiring the development of financial planning and decisive decisions though the Flintshire Futures programme.


The Head of Finance said that the report included a full reconciliation of changes to the budget since that reported to Cabinet in December 2012.  The improved position on the projected outturn in 2012/13 would allow the underspend in the current year to be utilised to fund one-off items in 2013/14 and enable a view to be taken on the budget required in 2013/14 on out of county placements and other areas.  In commending the report to Members, she said that the proposals represented a measured and acceptable level of risk.


The Chief Executive commented on the positive responses to issues raised during consultation with Overview & Scrutiny Committees and the excellent progress made in caseload management of out of county placements, which was a measured risk.




That the following be recommended to County Council on 1 March 2013:-


(a)     That the 2013/14 Council Fund Revenue Budget Requirement be set at £258,284,539 (which is £1,720,145 below the calculated Standard Spending Assessment) (4.01);


(b)     That there be a 2.9% increase in Council Tax at Band D and an assumed 97.5% collection rate (4.02);


(c)      The inclusion of the Outcome Agreement Grant of £1.467m in the budget (4.03);


(d)     The levels of inflation assumed in the budget (4.05-4.07);


(e)     That items of non-standard inflation are only allocated out to services when the actual increase in cost is known (4.06);


(f)      The amounts included in the budget relating to transfers into and out of the settlement (4.08);


(g)     The inclusion of £3.261m of pressures in the budget (Appendix 5 a-d);


(h)     That the Council's adopted practice continues that resources to fund new pressures be approved for the purpose set out.  Any proposals to vary the use of the sums allocated are to be the subject of a further report to Cabinet (4.09);


(i)       The inclusion of estimated one-off costs totalling £0.297m in the budget (Appendix 6), to be funded from the contingency reserve;


(j)       The inclusion of efficiencies of £5.437m in the budget (4.11 and Appendix 7 a-e);


(k)      That if it should become apparent that achievement of any of the savings (in full or part) is proving to be not as anticipated that this is dealt with corporately, with the Corporate Management Team bringing alternatives to Cabinet for consideration (4.11); and


(l)       That additional income derived from the anticipated collection fund surplus be utilised to fund welfare reform costs and increase  ...  view the full minutes text for item 167