Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 Service Performance Reports

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Lifelong Learning OSC - Expired 07/05/15 (Item 22)

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That members consider the 2012/13 Quarter 1 performance reports produced by the Heads of Service.



The Director introduced a report to request that the Committee consider the 2012/13 Quarter 1 service reports for the period April-June 2012.


Development and Resources


            The Head of Development and Resources gave an overview of key messages across work streams in Development and Resources.  He reported that the Schools Modernisation Programme was moving to its second consultation for Holywell, Connah’s Quay and Queensferry areas.  The options formulated last year were:


  • A 3-16 facility at Queensferry
  • Connah’s Quay post 16 hub in conjunction with Deeside College.
  • Amalgamation of Holywell infant and junior school into a through primary school
  • A new and smaller secondary school at Holywell.


The Head of Development and Resources reported the following developments:


  • The new school at Connah’s Quay had opened
  • Designs had been signed off for a new school at Shotton. 
  • There was to be an amalgamation of a controlled primary and Church aided school to form a new aided school.
  • The publication of statutory proposals for the closure of Rhes y Cae school.  There was one month to receive objections.  If objections were received, they would be referred to Welsh Ministers.
  • The Council was still in discussion with Welsh Government regarding the Schools Programme Grant
  • A £32 million pound grant had been approved for Holywell and Connah’s Quay and the Council need a commitment to fund the other 32 million.


Councillor C.A. Thomas asked if the modernisation project would use up the Capital Programme funding.  The Head of Development and Resources said that the formula for capital funding will be the same and smaller investments will be unaffected.  Councillor Thomas asked about section 106 funding.  The Head of Development and Resources said that, 106 monies could not increase the budget of over populated schools as the 106 money has got to go to the same area as the development. Councillor Thomas asked about the Youth Strategy and Staffing/Premises issues. The Head of Development and Resources replied that the council was reducing the numbers of underused premises and were transferring some to community management arrangements and leases where it was considered sustainable.  He reported that the Youth Service would be looking at reducing layers of management and increasing numbers of youth workers.


Councillor D.I. Mackie asked how much the council would borrow for schools modernisation.  The Director for Lifelong Learning replied that prudential borrowing of £29 million would be undertaken over a 40 year period. The repayments would come from corporate budget.  The Head of Resources and Development said that the council was expected to supply 50% of the cost of 21st century schools.  He added that the prudential borrowing route would spread the cost like a mortgage. 


Schools Services


            The Head of the Inclusion Service gave an overview of key messages across work streams in school services as follows:


  • Five key priority areas – literacy, numeracy, impact of poverty, collaborative working and use of technology.
  • National expectations of pupil achievement each year, pupils performance monitored by teachers
  • Welsh Assembly Government had asked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22