Issue - meetings

Rural Development Plan

Meeting: 17/10/2012 - Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Expired 13/07/20 (Item 32)

32 Rural Development Plan and European Structural Funds pdf icon PDF 45 KB

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That Members note the progress in implementing the Rural Development Plan in Flintshire and the briefing material on European Structural Funds.


The Economic Development Manager presented a report to update Members on progress made in implementing the Rural Development Plan for Wales (RDP) 2007-2013 in Flintshire and to provide briefing material on the current and future position with European Structural Fund Programmes.


            The Economic Development Manager informed members that the RDP programme was coming to an end.  The Welsh Government had offered extensions for projects, new projects or extended activities.   The European Structural Funds were due to finish in 2013, with project spend, including Flintshire projects running until 2015, subject to extension being approved.  The Flintshire Projects run under European Structural Funds were the Town Centre Regeneration Project, Strategic BusinessParks, which involved DeesideIndustrial Park, and the Genesis 2 Project to help economically inactive people overcome barriers to work.


            Councillor P.J. Curtis said that the Holywell Streetscape and Access Improvements on page 61 made reference to approval by the Town Partnership, but not the Town Council.  He asked if it was intended that the High Street be opened up to traffic.  The Economic Development Manager said that the Town Partnership referred to the funding side of the project and that any consultations about the scope of the project would be undertaken in conjunction with the Town Council and County Council.  He said that the area would see improvements for both pedestrians and traffic.  The High Street would continue to be closed to traffic as now.  Councillor Curtis said that he would expect full consultation for future plans.


            The Chair asked if all funding for the projects would be drawn down before the end of the Programme.  The Economic Development Manager reassured Members that projects would be completed, with the Talacre/Gronant project at the detailed design stage in negotiation with BHP, CCW and the land owner and the Mold and Holywell projects were at the scoping stage, and would move into design stage after Christmas.




That Members note the progress in implementing the Rural Development Plan in Flintshire and the briefing material on European Structural Funds.