Issue - meetings

Audit Committee Self Assessment Against CIPFA Requirements

Meeting: 12/12/2012 - Audit Committee (Item 43)

43 Audit Committee Self Assessment Against CIPFA Requirements pdf icon PDF 24 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the report be accepted; and


(b)       That the Internal Audit Manager progress training requirements in accordance with the indications on the self assessment questionnaire.


The Internal Audit Manager presented a report on the results of the Audit Committee self assessment which would feed into preparation for the Annual Governance Statement 2012/13 and training requirements for the Committee.  He thanked the Committee for completing and returning the questionnaires.


Following a query by Councillor G.H. Bateman on the holding of periodic private discussions, the Internal Audit Manager confirmed that these meetings with Wales Audit Office colleagues were usually held immediately following the March meeting of the Committee, without officers present.


The Internal Audit Manager gave an overview of analysis carried out on the results of the self assessment which seemed to indicate that some areas required further clarification.  The Head of Finance suggested that some newer members of the Committee may find it useful to receive further explanation on certain areas and how information could be accessed.


Mr. P. Williams said that there were some technical aspects to the role of the Audit Committee and felt that greater integration with other areas of the Council such as Overview & Scrutiny could be developed, perhaps by discussion with Overview & Scrutiny Chairs.  The Chair said that she and the Vice-Chair would continue to explore this and would report back.


Ms. A. Hughes drew attention to the section on assessing Members’ skills and suggested that officers could engage with individual Members on their training needs.  Councillor G.S. Banks suggested that induction training which had been previously given to Members of the Committee could be repeated.


In view of the comments made, Councillor A. Woolley proposed that the Internal Audit Manager progress training requirements in accordance with the indications on the self assessment questionnaire.  This was agreed.




(a)       That the report be accepted; and


(b)       That the Internal Audit Manager progress training requirements in accordance with the indications on the self assessment questionnaire.