Issue - meetings

Gypsy and Travellers Needs Assessment

Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 155)

155 Gypsy and Travellers Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 43 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.



The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced a report to consider the Gypsy-Traveller Needs Assessment that will inform the development of a Gypsy-Traveller Strategy.  He detailed the background to the report and explained that Flintshire accommodated 66 caravans representing 58% of all of the caravans available in North Wales.  Appendix 1 detailed the Gypsy-Traveller Residential Needs Calculation for 2011-16.  He said that it was imperative that all other authorities in North Wales had their fair share of Gypsy-Traveller sites. 


                        The Leader of the Council reminded Members that Flintshire and Wrexham Councils were meeting what was expected of them and asked that the remaining North Wales authorities undertake what was expected of them by Welsh Government. 


                        The Cabinet Member for Housing spoke of the potential to expand the Riverside site as a transit site to benefit the whole of the community.  The Cabinet Member for Education welcomed the report and said that Flintshire County Council had always met its duty morally and legally in making provision for Gypsy-Travellers and raised concern about the lack of provision by other authorities. 




(a)       That the findings of the Gypsy Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) be received and the approach to develop a Gypsy-Traveller Strategy for Flintshire be endorsed;


(b)       That Cabinet expects that all other counties in the region consider fully the outcomes of the GTAA and contributes towards a regional strategy to meet need; and


(c)        That the Council clarifies with Welsh Government its expectations over a regional approach and the resource availability to meet it, with all Councils meeting their localised needs as identified.