Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (Month 6) and Capital Programme 2012/13 (Quarter 2)

Meeting: 13/12/2012 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 50)

50 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (Month 6) and Capital Programme 2012/13 (Quarter 2) pdf icon PDF 22 KB

Additional documents:


            (a)       That the report is received and:


            (b)       That the printing format of the appendices be reviewed.


            (c)        That information about variances of over £25,000 should be reported. 


            (d)       That a net position of zero be removed from future reports.      



The Corporate Finance Manager introduced a report on the Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/13 (Month 6) which was due to be considered by Cabinet on 18 December.   


                        The latest forecast projected an in-year overspend of £0.714 million on the Council Fund and a projected net under spend of £0.349 million on the Housing Revenue Account. 


                        For Council Fund there was an improvement on the month 5 position of £0.269m which mainly related to a reduced overspend of £0.078m within Corporate Services and an increased under spend of £0.191 m within Central and Corporate.  The reasons for all variances over month 5 were included in Appendix 1 of the report.


                        The Corporate Finance Manager highlighted the risks and assumptions in relation to the projection and also the non standard inflation held in respect of Energy for Street Lighting, Energy, Fuel and Food.  To date only the allocations for fuel of £0.196m and food for £0.133m had been allocated to service areas.  The allocations for energy continue to be held centrally although latest forecasts suggest that the allocations will be required in full.


                        The current projected level of contingency reserve at the end of March 2013 was an overdrawn amount of £0.083 million.


                        The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) latest projection was an under spend of £349,000 which would mean a closing balance at the end of the financial year of £1.419m, which at 5.2% of total expenditure satisfied the minimum level of 3%.


                        Councillor D. Mackie said that the way the appendices had been printed made them difficult to read.  The Head of Finance said that she would speak to Committee Services to see if this matter could be rectified.


                        Councillor R.G. Hampson asked whether the £349,000 under spend on the HRA could be used to increase spend on improving the council housing stock.  The Chief Executive confirmed that all efficiencies were reinvested in property repair and maintenance and that a number of targets e.g. bathroom replacement were being exceeded as a result. 


                        Councillor G. H. Bateman asked about the budget pressure of £25,000 that had been caused by the relocation of Leisure Services staff to Deeside Leisure Centre.  The Chief Executive said that this represented the office space left behind at County Hall, and the costs associated with loss of rental and ongoing utility costs as an accounting exercise for property costs. 


                        Councillor P. Shotton asked about the grant settlement for Flintshire from the Welsh Government and how the welfare reforms would affect this.  The Head of Finance said that there were budget pressures in 2012-13 which related to increased staffing in benefits section, costs of systems and that these would run into 2013-14.  A total of £8.8m of Council Tax Benefit support funding had been awarded to Flintshire, but the impact of the policy change had not yet been fully investigated.  The Chief Executive said that the public had to be consulted about the changes and that members would be made aware of the consultations.  He said that the £8.8m funding  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50