Issue - meetings

Council Policy for Installing Private Vehicular Accesses on Adopted Highways

Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 159)

159 Council Policy for Installing New Vehicular Crossings on the Adopted Highways pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.



The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced a report to seek Cabinet approval of the new Council Policy for the installation ofnew vehicular crossings on Adopted Highways.  He welcomed the report and explained that the proposed new arrangements would allow residents to obtain competitive quotations for the work, without the Council losing control of any structural changes made to the highway network. 


                        The Leader of the Council also welcomed the report and said that it was important that the contractors were included on a preferred list.  He added that it would be a cheaper option for residents but would ensure that they were safeguarded for the works undertaken. 




            That the Council’s policy for the installation of new vehicular crossings on Adopted Highways be approved.