Issue - meetings

Public Law Outline and Associated Matters

Meeting: 28/02/2013 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 72)

72 Public Law Outline and Associated Matters pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That a workshop on the Public Law Outline and Associated Matters be arranged for Members.     



The Head of Social Services for Children introduced the report to inform Members about the Public Law Outline, a Framework deployed by Children’s Services for cases being considered for an application for a Care Order within the Family Proceedings Court.  The officer detailed the background to the report. 


                        In response to a query from Councillor V. Gay on the timetable for proceedings, the Head of Social Services for Children explained that recent changes had been undertaken which meant that adoption of children used to recommended by a panel but this had been designated to the Head of Social Services for Children.  She explained that it was a complex area of activity and that a workshop could be arranged to provide further details to Members. 




(a)       That the report be noted; and


(b)       That a workshop on the Public Law Outline and Associated Matters be arranged for Members.