Issue - meetings

Response from Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to a Call In

Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 161)

161 Response from Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to the Call In of a Cabinet Decision pdf icon PDF 24 KB


That the comments from the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee be considered and incorporated into the scheduled report in February 2013. 


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services introduced a report to inform Cabinet of the result of the call in meeting arising out of the calling in of decision 2769, Civil Parking Enforcement. 


He explained that the decision taken by Cabinet at its meeting in December 2012 was called in and the call in meeting had been held on 9 January 2013 where it was resolved that the issue be referred back to Cabinet for reconsideration.  At its meeting in December, Cabinet had resolved to receive a further report in February and it was recommended that Cabinet note this report and take account of the comments made at the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee call in meeting when considering the report in February. 




(a)       That the report be received; and


(b)       That the comments from the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee be considered and incorporated into the scheduled report in February 2013.