Issue - meetings

Improvement Assessment Letter (WAO)

Meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 173)

173 Improvement Assessment Letter from the Auditor General for Wales pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations.


The Chief Executive introduced the report on the Council’s Improvement Assessment Letter January 2013 from the Auditor General for Wales and the Council’s response, which would also be shared with the Audit Committee and Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


Ms. Karen Lees of Wales Audit Office (WAO) was welcomed to the meeting and was invited to provide an overview of the key points detailed in the WAO letter.  It was noted that although there were no new statutory formal recommendations, four proposals for improvement had been suggested.  In outlining the Cabinet’s response to the four suggestions, the Chief Executive said that three were technical process issues.


On the proposal for better balance of narrative in improvement reporting, the Cabinet Member for Public Protection, Waste & Recycling said that a balance was required on the over/under use of narrative taking into account internal needs and external understanding.




That the Council’s Improvement Assessment Letter received from the Auditor General for Wales and the Council’s response be noted.