Issue - meetings

Proposed Regional Emergency Planning Service

Meeting: 19/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 178)

178 Proposed Regional Emergency Planning Service pdf icon PDF 41 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations which would be subject to consultation with Overview & Scrutiny with any resultant comments brought back to Cabinet.


The Chief Executive introduced the report seeking approval on the final business case for a regional emergency planning service.


The Chief Executive explained that this low-risk project formed part of the Compact between the Welsh Government and Local Government.  A standard report had been submitted to all six North Wales Councils, with Flintshire agreed as the lead Authority.  The recommendations in the report would be subject to consultation with Overview & Scrutiny with any resultant comments brought back to Cabinet.




(a)       That the Council adopts the final business plan to join a regional emergency planning service on the basis that:-


·         the new service will be established on a cost neutral basis and will aim for annual savings of 5%-10% on existing costs (£35-£75,000 per annum)


·         the service will be commissioned by a management board accountable to the constituent councils with regional oversight provided by the North Wales Safer Communities Board


·         Flintshire will host the new service and lead the transition to the new service


·         the cost of the new service will be recovered from the partners on the basis of population


·         implementation will include transitional arrangements to ensure that no authority pays more than the current cost of the service


·         the employment model will be decided as part of the transition plan


·         current employees will be given prior consideration for posts in the new structure and the new service will be implemented in such a way as to maximise staff retention and redeployment.


·         the Implementation Team will protect competition for the senior posts within the framework of prior consideration.


·         each Local Authority will nominate to an Implementation Team. The Implementation Team to assist in the appointment of the temporary Project Manager.


(b)       Authority to approve the detailed transition arrangements to the new service and undertake all necessary tasks to establish the new service is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio/ Cabinet Member.


(c)        The project works to the following timeline:-


·                     Councils agree to join a regional service by end March 2013

·                     commencement of briefing and consultation of staff on the business case and proposals - February 2013

·                     each Council to nominate to an Implementation Team by February 2013

·                     appoint a project manager to deliver the project by end March 2013

·                     appoint Regional Manager and Deputy by June/July 2013

·                     employment model agreed by June/July 2013

·                     creation of operational structure, operating processes, development of the detailed budget and identification of accommodation by September 2013

·                     development of Service Level Agreement and Partnership agreement by September 2013

·                     employee selection and transfers made by September 2013

·                     new service operational from October 2013.