Issue - meetings

Roadside Memorials & Floral Tributes Policy

Meeting: 18/06/2013 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Roadside Memorials & Floral Tributes Policy pdf icon PDF 25 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the proposed policy on Roadside Memorials and Floral Tributes on the Adopted County Highway Network, which took into consideration their importance for the beliefs of some religious and ethnic groups.


The policy had been produced in response to the increasing number of memorials being placed within the public highway following a fatal road traffic collision or other sudden death.  There was an acceptance nationally for the desire to place a tribute in the vicinity of the incident, particularly in the immediate aftermath and before funerals had been held.  In common with other Councils and the Welsh Government (WG), the policy sought to manage the situation, rather than prohibit such placements.


In response to questions from the Cabinet Member for Education, the Director of Environment said that if adopted, the policy would be implemented with sensitivity. 




That the policy for Roadside Memorials and Floral Tributes be approved.