Issue - meetings

Briefing Meeting held on the 22 February 2013

Meeting: 12/06/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 7)

7 Briefing Meeting held on the 22 February 2013 pdf icon PDF 30 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the issues arising from the briefing meeting on 22 February 2013 be noted; and


(b)       That a further joint meeting be arranged.


The Democracy & Governance Manager presented a report arising from the briefing meeting held on 22 February 2013 between Audit Committee Members and Overview & Scrutiny Chairs.  He explained that the meeting had been arranged to discuss the implications of changes in legislation as part of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and subsequent statutory guidance, to clarify the roles of the Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Committees.  The report detailed the points which had been agreed at the briefing meeting which included agreement on arranging regular meetings in the future.


The Chair referred to the extended role of the Audit Committee and said that during a meeting with the former Vice-Chair and Amanda Hughes from Wales Audit Office (WAO), the matter of inconsistencies in sharing information had been discussed.


In providing clarification, Mr. P. Williams said it had been suggested that Overview & Scrutiny Chairs could be better advised of findings which had been brought to the Audit Committee and that the aim of the regular meetings was to share information between both parties.  He added that with assistance from the Internal Audit Manager, issues on recommendations for a specific section could be cascaded to the appropriate Overview & Scrutiny Committee.


The Head of Legal & Democratic Services said that there was a potential overlap of roles between the Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny in looking at the same issues from different perspectives.  He said that the Audit Committee should ensure it was satisfied with the process between Cabinet and Overview & Scrutiny and flag up any inconsistencies.  The briefing meeting was to ensure that all parties understood the different roles to avoid duplication of work.


The Democracy & Governance Manager added to the comments made by Mr. Williams in that the regular meetings would assist in forward planning to enable topics to be considered by Overview & Scrutiny before reaching Audit Committee.


The Chair referred to the first point under the heading on managing the relationship which was indicated on the notes of the briefing meeting.  The Democracy & Governance Manager said that this could be explored at the next briefing meeting which he would arrange.




(a)       That the issues arising from the briefing meeting on 22 February 2013 be noted; and


(b)       That a further joint meeting be arranged.