Issue - meetings

Action Tracking

Meeting: 30/07/2013 - Audit Committee (Item 31)

31 Action Tracking pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Additional documents:


That the report be accepted.


The Internal Audit Manager introduced the report on actions resulting from points raised at previous meetings of the Audit Committee.  The report contained a summary of actions carried out to date, the majority of which had been completed.  An update on those remaining would be reported to a future meeting.


In response to a comment made by the Chair, Ms. Hughes of Wales Audit Office confirmed that there were no longer any balancing entries in the income and expenditure account but that balancing entries had increased in the cashflow statement.  Discussions with the Finance Manager (Strategy & Technical) had confirmed that work was ongoing by officers to resolve this.  Ms. Hughes said that the issue would be considered by WAO in the context of the audit on the accounts once officers had completed their work.  If there were any ongoing concerns, WAO would raise these as part of this year’s audit, however it was hoped that a satisfactory outcome would be achieved at the end of the audit.


On the Internal Audit Progress Report for 12 June 2013, the Chair gave a reminder for Councillor I.B. Roberts to be kept informed of progress on changes to school banking arrangements.  The Internal Audit Manager explained that this agreement had been made at the subsequent meeting on 17 July 2013 and would be included on that action sheet.


The Democracy & Governance Manager advised that the second briefing meeting between the Audit Committee and Overview & Scrutiny Chairs had been deferred from 23 July 2013 to 10 September 2013 due to the cancellation of the special County Council meeting.




That the report be accepted.